Topology of decisionmaking - are you secretly managing by metric?

Suppose you have a method of making decisions that doesn't suck - i.e., one that is objective, consistent, and never leaves you guessing about what to do. The mathematical field of topology provides a wonderful theorem - if you have a good decision process, it is equivalent to managing by metric.

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Costrong Comonads are Boring

Strength is a category theoretical property which is known to be boring - every Monad in Hask (and similarly Scal) satisfies it. The question arises - what about it's dual, Costrength? What would a Costrong Comonad look like? Is it interesting? It turns out the answer is no - every Comonad in Hask/Scal is Costrong. In this post I'll provide a brief tutorial on Comonads and show why every Comonad is also Costrong. You do NOT need to know much category theory to follow this post, but some familiarity with the everyday programming of Monads will be helpful.

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